Roatan Island, Honduras

January 28, 2019

As we speak, Jamaica is one of most favorite vacation destinations for many travelers. Ketika Raja Maladewa Sri Tribuvana Aditiya menjadi orang Maladewa pertama yang masuk Islam kemudian diikuti istri dan anak anaknya, kalangan Istana dan di tahun yang sama seluruh Maladewa sudah beralih keyakinan kepada Islam meninggalkan agama lama mereka yaitu Hindu.

It is not totally stunning that when leprosy was discovered to be spreading in his district he set aside land for a leper’s colony, but forgot to construct accommodations for the troubled- Galvez was busy serving to the Americans win their independence from Nice Britain at the time.

Just like the U.S. and Britain in that period, there were many unresolved points and grudges between Spain and her former colonies that had been the premise for the warfare but a serious motive for the escalation from a diplomatic spat to capturing was a dispute that occurred over control of some uninhabited islands off the coast of Peru which all of the sudden grew to become necessary after the invention that they contained wealthy deposits of guano.

Movie Shutter Island bercerita usai masa perang dunia II. Di tahun 1954, seorang US marshall bernama Teddy Daniels (Leonardo DiCaprio), yand dibantu rekannya Chuck Aule (Mark Ruffalo), ditunjuk untuk melakukan investigasi di sebuah pulau yang berisikan rumah sakit jiwa rahasia.

Saat itu di pantai yang air nya hanya diatas mata kaki, ada seekor sting ray yang cukup sedang berenang diam di pinggir pantai itu, setelah agak lama menatap sting ray tersebut kita pun membuat gerakan yang mengagetkan si sting ray sehingga dia pun pergi.